Pull Up A Chair

Louie is a nickname, but I assure you I’m real.

I’m a mother of two, a wife to one, and want to create my own Round Table, my own Salon.  Circumstances aren’t conducive for many of us to have these great groups of people to sit with over a whiskey and get down to the bottom of things.  So pull up a chair, and I’ll have the barkeep get you your poison. Oh, and there’s coffee in the back.


11 responses to “Pull Up A Chair

  1. It was nice to meander around your blog a bit, Louie. This is such a welcoming Page and a lovely invitation! I’d love to pull up that chair and take part. (I’m working at adding more hours to my day. Won’t the world of science be happy to know when I’ve discovered the secret to that!) I’ll be back again when I have more time to spend. 🙂

  2. Hi Louie, I think I’m a remote guy to you(I’m living in Beijing/China), and I happen to visit your blog when I was googling ” Stipula Pinocchio”(I’m a fountain pen collector too), whereas I believe your lyric is more attractive than that pen to me, pls keep on composing your lyric and your life.

    Best regards to you & your family

    • Welcome Ben, and all the way from China no less. Wonderful!
      Thank you so much for your kind words. As for the pen, if you have a store that carries the Pinocchio pen, you should really try writing with it. It is weighted just perfectly.

      • Unfortunately, i don’t have a pen store, i just found there is a fair price Pinocchio pen in a forum but it goes with a 1.1 mm nib(I’m going to find a Fine nib actually), I’m not good at English calligaphy, so I’m hesitating to make my choice. Your writings encouraged me in choosing this pen as my next aim. In the meanwhile, I also find a warm place where I can read wonderful words under diverse moods. I’m loving it, thank you, Louie.

      • Ben,
        I have the medium nib (I’m uncertain if that’s the 1.1 mm) and it works wonderfully. My husband, however, is left-handed and can’t write with anything but a fine nib. It smears under his hand. I think you’ll really love the weight of the pen regardless of the nib.

        “A warm place where I can read wonderful words”…perfectly said. Perfect.

  3. Hi Louie, I’ve slid over here via Downith and Betsy. A lover of words and whimsy, I think I’m in the right place. I’ll be back. And you can keep the coffee in the back, I’ll take the whiskey.

  4. I am yours, Louie. Keep it coming. I’ll keep coming.

  5. Why Louie, I had no idea you wrote a blog! I look forward to your book reviews especially. And thanks so much for visiting my blog.

  6. Hi, Louie —
    On my way to Chicago and will watch for you on the streets. Am prepared to wave and say a warm hello.

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